My photo
dusk named me her daughter and sent me dancing through timezones//she asked my muscles to hush (only whisper)// so i could slow down and stroke the cheek of sorrow//.then i would really know why i pray.// i was taught the best things are developing in secret, and no love is ever lost.// my soul is happy, hear it laugh.

Sep 2, 2009

i usually make fun of blogs and bloggers....

but as it turns out, before i could say "im not that kind of girl"... i was. (thanks roxanne!).
 Alas, I have started my very own robot-journal, as my nomad/ever happy sister kim wu would call it. 

My grandmother, Gams, once asked me "do you get the idea that sometimes we can't express or share things, not because of the usual reasons... but because it would be like taking an embryo out before birth for examination...?" she told me she thought it is all about respecting the process, that the best things are developing in secret. So here, in this robot-journal of mine, I do not wish to mess with the process, I do not wish to disrupt the embryo...I wish merely to use the ultrasound of thought to get a glimpse of what may unfold.. and to write some random rambles every once in a while

Much love to all <3


  1. I LOVE IT ALREADY! keep it coming.

  2. thanks nadpad! and what happened to fast as you can?? too fast for a blog?
    <3 you!
